Cemeteries Restoration
New Marlborough has 11 historic cemeteries. The oldest cemetery is in New Marlborough Village with the earliest gravestone dating to 1755. This remarkable cemetery is located on two hills on New Marlborough Branch Road, on land donated to the town by the first Reverend of the New Marlborough Meeting Congregational Church (The Meeting House) in 1776.
Restoring Cultural Heritage
The Historical Society has been restoring the New Marlborough Village Cemetery over the last 10 years. Many stones have fallen, some are broken and most need cleaning to remove lichen which accelerates stone deterioration. Large pine trees which have reached the end of their lifespan are being removed in order to prevent damage to historical stones from falling branches. A professional historical gravestone restoration team was recruited from Concord MA to teach us how to safely straighten, clean and restore antique gravestones. We have an annual tutorial for volunteers to clean and straighten selected stones. To date, the majority of the left hill has been completely restored with stones straightened, cleaned and restored as needed.

After restoration, a new gravestone
The Society is also making plans to begin restoration work on our other cemeteries including the Mill River, Huxley and Palmer cemeteries.
Restoration work needs to be done in all 11 of New Marlborough’s cemeteries, and the town simply does not have the resources to complete such a project. Each stone that needs to be cleaned, straightened and/or repaired may cost up to $1000 to complete.
Please volunteer this summer when we begin again to clean and restore our historical gravestones. Please donate to our historic cemetery restoration project.